We know you care about the environment and want to help end littering In Tennessee. You should also know that your dedication to environmental conservation is crucial to maintaining the natural charm of our state. There is no better time to do that than with No Trash November.
There are four easy steps to getting involved in the Nobody Trashes Tennessee Movement:
Planning ahead is key to help end littering in Tennessee. Always have a portable litter bag in your car,
especially during road trips or outings, to collect all your recyclables and waste. Keep a bag for
litter in your vehicle at all times so you can keep your trash under control – until you can throw it
away in a trash container. Ensure that any lightweight materials that could be blown away are
secured, and keep the bed of pickup trucks free of trash (since trash can end up flying out and
littering our highways).
Help out when you see litter. Pick it up – but do it safely!
- Wear a high-visibility, class 2 safety vest at all times during clean-up
- Park your vehicle well off the road
- For your protection, wear gloves
- Stay alert. Be mindful of your surroundings and always clean up with a buddy if possible, ensuring a safer experience.
- Do not pick up trash on bridges, in tunnels, on medians, overpasses or on construction sites. TDOT will pick up trash from these areas.
- Leave items too large to fit in a trash bag
- Use caution when picking up glass, metal or anything sharp
- When in doubt, leave it out. If something seems unsafe, leave it and alert TDOT.
- Be sure to recycle what you can. Utilize proper waste separation methods to enhance recycling and waste management efforts.
- Items with rainwater can be dumped, but if you think something has urine in it, please don’t pick it up.
- If you find anything harmful, explosive, corrosive, poisonous or toxic, leave it and notify TDOT.
- Do not touch anything that looks like it’s methamphetamine lab waste. They can look like carelessly dumped trash, but this type of trash is very dangerous and should be left. Notify TDOT immediately.
- Remember, safety is the number one priority.
Look out for community clean-up days in your local area to join forces with neighbors and make a larger impact. Remember you can also organize a community litter pick-up if there aren’t any scheduled in your area, fostering local engagement and environmental responsibility.
Check out this safety video for more info!
Better yet, sign up for a litter clean-up event here, and you can join your fellow Tennesseans on the front lines!
It’s going to take a whole lot of Tennesseans to make a difference. Tell your friends, neighbors, and family how important this issue is and invite them to sign up as well. Spread the word at local community centers and online forums to amplify our cause. You can also post about it on social media (use #NobodyTrashesTennessee) so other folks can Join the Movement!