Nobody Trashes Tennessee is the State of Tennessee’s litter prevention campaign, managed by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. NTT was developed by TDOT to educate Tennesseans about the state’s litter problem, encourage proper waste disposal behavior and instill state pride.
At any given time in our state, there are 88 million pieces of litter on Tennessee state roadways. This costs TDOT $35 million each year to clean up. How do we know? Because we counted with a cool piece of research called the “Visible Litter Study.”
The good news is that litter is down 53% since 2006 thanks to OUR efforts and with support from programs in every county in the state. Each of Tennessee’s 95 counties has a program to help us end littering in Tennessee.
Our Partners
In addition to those 95 partners at the county level, we have partnerships all over the state with like-minded organizations.
Keep Tennessee Beautiful (KTB) is an important partner – we help to fund their efforts too! In 2020, we supported them with a $1.3 million grant.
We have partnered with the University of Memphis multiple years to help us advocate against littering and they have organized cleanups in and around their campus. Coach Penny Hardaway has made a personal commitment to litter prevention in Tennessee.
We’ve recently partnered with the Tennessee Aquarium on two new exhibits to help tell the story of how trash can not only destroy aquatic life but impact recreation and drinking water as well. The exhibits are for all ages and use actual litter taken from the banks of the Tennessee River.
The Nashville Sounds and the Memphis Redbirds are also taking on the importance of the litter prevention message this season. Watch for it when you attend your next ballgame!
There are numerous opportunities to take action against litter in your community.
Adopt-A-Highway is a volunteer effort by groups around the state to clean up portions of the state’s roadways. Hundreds of groups have taken responsibility for this and we always welcome more groups to help us! Ready to join a group OR start a group in your area? Here’s where to go: Adopt-A-Highway Program. There’s a volunteer application, new group information, safety guidelines and an FAQ.
Litter Hotline
Sometimes, you just have to call somebody. The Litter Hotline was designed for motorists to identify litter as it happens. You can call 1-877-8LITTER or you can submit the online form. Either way, you may stop someone from future littering when you do. Find out all you need to know about the litter hotline here.
Find a Cleanup
Keep Tennessee Beautiful has affiliates throughout Tennessee who regularly clean up their communities. Join an existing affiliate or start one near you when you go here.
Get to Know Us
If you’re not yet sure HOW you want to get involved, sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay informed of upcoming opportunities and learn how we’re creating a movement to end litter in our state. OR wear your heart on your sleeve or your head when you purchase a Nobody Trashes Tennessee t-shirt or hat from Keep Tennessee Beautiful! Shop here.