KKB scores big on No Trash November

Knox Knoxville Beautiful won the 2024 No Trash November trophy from Nobody Trashes Tennessee! KKB had 1,130 volunteers collect an outstanding 16,095 pounds of litter in November.

“We want to thank all of our volunteers for their hard work as well as our program coordinator, Jayda Brunkan, for organizing the cleanups,” said Lizzie Gaver, KKB executive director.

Statewide, nearly 70,000 pounds of litter was removed from communities as part of the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) 4th annual No Trash November, a month-long initiative to ensure the state’s roadways and waterways are safe from the harmful effects of litter, Gaver added.

“More than an eyesore, litter on our public roads and waterways has detrimental impacts on safety, the environment and the economy. At any given time, there are 88 million pieces of litter on the state’s roadways. TDOT spends more than $23 million annually on litter pickup and prevention education, which is funded through dedicated revenue from Tennessee’s Soft Drink and Malt Beverage industries.

Read the full article as published in:

Knox TN Today

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