No Trash November Litter Quiz

Take our litter quiz to see just how savvy you are about litter and how it impacts our beautiful state. Share your results on Facebook and Twitter with our hashtags #NobodyTrashesTennessee and #NoTrashNovember.

Test yourself to see how much you know about litter!

1 / 5

Plastic bags are one of the most commonly found items in Tennessee’s waterways, and they can take hundreds of years to break down.

2 / 5

Cigarette butts are the most littered item in Tennessee. What is one of the biggest environmental hazards they pose?

3 / 5

Why is litter more visible during the winter?

4 / 5

Stormwater runoff can carry litter into nearby rivers and lakes, contributing to long-term pollution.

5 / 5

Nobody Trashes Tennessee is funded primarily by taxpayer dollars.

Your score is

The average score is 69%


Click here to learn more about No Trash November and how you can get involved.