Sign up for our Newsletter

Be a part of the solution to end littering by subscribing to our newsletter and by getting involved with the Nobody Trashes Tennessee campaign presented by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Tennessee’s official litter prevention campaign aims to reduce and prevent littering in our beautiful state, and we want all Tennesseans to be a part of it. When it comes to trash, remember that every hand can make a difference.

By signing up for our monthly newsletter, you can get the inside scoop on our statewide initiatives to end littering in Tennessee and make the state a cleaner, safer place for everyone. Learn about cleanup events, statewide initiatives and information on how you can help end littering.

Be Part of the Solution to End Littering

If you are ready to see litter eliminated from our beautiful state, join your fellow Tennesseans in stepping up, grabbing trash and battling litter one step at a time. Signing up for our newsletter is the first step to making a significant difference to end littering in Tennessee.

Nobody Trashes Tennessee’s efforts have removed thousands of pounds of trash off Tennessee roadways, and our litter prevention efforts have also worked to protect our environment and the wildlife in our state. Get involved today and be part of the solution!

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